Subtotal: ₹ 5,226
Bonding Agents
Concrete Admixtures, Mortar Admixtures, Bonding Agent, Plasticizer products like Adherex, Integral Waterpeller, Neutrol, Plastard, SBR Latex, Tammsweld are widely used by Waterproofing Construction Contractors.
These are High solids, water-based emulsion admixture suitable for modifying Portland cement compositions. It is also designed for use as a bonding agent between new and hardened concrete. It is a milky white, non-yellowing liquid ready for use and requires no onsite dilution.
The most often used admixtures are air-entraining agents, water reducers, water-reducing retarders and accelerators. Admixtures are used to give special properties to fresh or hardened concrete. Admixtures may enhance the durability, workability or strength characteristics of a given concrete mixture.
₹ 235It is polymer based on styrene butadiene rubber, specially formulated for use with cement formulations.
₹ 260Styrene butadiene rubber based polymer bonding agent cum cement mortar modifier for mortar and concrete